+48 577335078

Mon-Fri: 08.00-17.00
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  • Eng


We provide comprehensive service: preparation of documents, customs clearance, route planning, loading control, transport monitoring, delivery to the final recipient or Go-Bring warehouse. 





Until Sep. 15, our specialist will help You assess and quote Your needs free of charge


Every customer chooses the way of transportation according to his experience and knowledge, or with a help of more experienced people.

Today’s Internet resources theoretically give access to an unlimited choice of different service providers. However, the information obtained in this way usually has to be additionally analyzed, compared and assessed for its reliability. Even with this effort, it is often impossible to make the right choice.

Our specialists will help you with the main task, which lies in the realm of objectively looking at your task, dividing it into parts and doing it.

Every client of ours is in close contact with a dedicated logistics manager, unlike a common practice when a client is migrating from one manager to another.

We recognize your needs only specific to you, your cargo point of origin and destination and your cargo current state.

Unlike a carrier or a sea line we are able to help you objectively in choosing  one of   transportation means available on the market, with a legitimate support of our choice.

Criteria such as price, time and quality are closely linked. Changing one affects the others.

Depending on the above priorities, we propose a specific type of transport (sea – cheapest, air – fastest, road – most common)